`Night And Day` by Tom Stoppard - Directed by Christopher Honer - 4/28th March 1981 - Derby Playhouse, Derby
`Night And Day` by Tom Stoppard - Directed by Christopher Honer - 4/28th March 1981 - Derby Playhouse, Derby `Night And Day` by Tom Stoppard - Directed by Christopher Honer - 4/28th March 1981 - Derby Playhouse, Derby `Night And Day` by Tom Stoppard - Directed by Christopher Honer - 4/28th March 1981 - Derby Playhouse, Derby

`Night And Day` by Tom Stoppard - Directed by Christopher Honer - 4/28th March 1981 - Derby Playhouse, Derby

  • Price £4.00
  • Product Code: TProg1980s
  • Availability: 1

`Night And Day` by Tom Stoppard

Directed by Christopher Honer

4/28th March 1981

Ian Gentle and Keith Williams

Derby Playhouse, Derby

One biro mark to interior as can be seen via scans.


Tags: Night And Day, Tom Stoppard, Directed, Christopher Honer, 4/28th March 1981, Derby Playhouse